Monday, April 27, 2009

Self Care Workshop and Speak Out

This Thursday Portland Women’s Crisis Line will host a workshop on self-care for survivors and co-survivors of sexual assault, followed by an open-mic Speak Out.

Self-care is a critical part of the work that we do, as survivors, peer-educators, and activists. To put closure on the April series of workshops related to Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we will gather to share tips and tools for taking care of ourselves as we learn about this important issue. For some of us, this means finding ways to heal following a sexual assault, or strategies for sustaining ourselves while supporting a loved one through their healing process. For others, it may mean discovering how to remain active and engaged in without becoming overwhelmed or disillusioned.

Following our conversations around self-care, we will hold a Speak Out. Share your stories, poems, songs, images, or any other creativity with us! This space will be held for anyone who has been touched by sexual violence, whether they are survivors, support people, or community members. Telling our stories can be an important part of healing, and often feels incredibly empowering! Words of courage, support, and hope are all welcomed!

What: PWCL self-care workshop and open-mic Speak Out
When: Thursday, April 30th. Vegan potluck at 5:30, workshop at 7:00—we will start on time!
Where: The Greenhouse Collective, 4407 SE Tibbetts St. 97206—between Division and Powell, off Clinton bikeway, and buses: 4, 14, 9.

We look forward to seeing you!

In Peace, Love, and Solidarity,

The Green House Collective

Thursday, April 23, 2009

May Day Rally & Marcy 2009

International Workers Day is coming upon us and we ask that you join us and the billions of workers world wide in this years May Day Rally and March for Immigrant and Workers Rights and Economic Justice for All. In 2006 and estimated 50k people marched on the streets of Portland and millions more across the globe. The Bush era politics are over and no is the time to let to stop being complacent and let our voices be heard. If there is one thing that most of us do is work, with this being the case the means of production need to be on our terms and conditions not on those of wealthy corporate elites or policy being determined by our so called elected officials. We ask that you make your voices be heard and ask for real policy change towards our rights as workers by marching on the streets of Portland May 1st, MAYDAY!!! @ 5pm in the South Park blocks. In addition, please spread the word, hang up some fliers, talk to fellow employees and please take the day off, ALL OF YA NOW, ya heard!!!

Workers of the World UNITE. In peace and solidarity,

The Green House Collective

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


We hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weather! Yum! Thanks to everyone
who showed up for an awesome event on Consent last week. We encourage you to extend this dialogue to your relationships and your community, and invite you to continue the conversation within the Green House Collective.

This week is bike back the night, and the Green House Collective will not be having a potluck or workshop, as we will be biking back the night and encourage
you to join us!

Bike Back the Night: Thursday, April 23

Time: Rider check in and activities begins at 4:30 PM, ride begins at 6 PM

Location: Colonel Summers Park

Contact: Ally (, or Barbara (

In celebration of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Portland Women’s Crisis Line will be having their annual community bike ride in collaboration with PSU’s Take Back the Night rally to increase awareness of sexual violence. Bring your wheels, bring a friend and Bike Back the Night! Rider check in and activities begins at 4:30 PM, ride begins at 6 PM sharp. Check out the Clothesline Project, bring items to donate to our hygiene drive, and grab a snack before biking to PSU.

To register for the ride, go to:

See you at the ride!

In Peace, Love, and Solidarity,

The Green House Collective

Keep the discussion going! You no longer have to wait until Thursday night to share and explore ideas about social justice and fostering change. Visit our blog and discussion forum for past discussion topics, announcements,
events, and more.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

CONSENT Workshop this Thursday!

This Thursday, April 16th, The Portland Women’s Crisis Line will host a workshop and discussion on consent and healthy boundaries in intimate relationships. Come ready to contribute, as this will be an engaging and interactive evening.

Together, we will expand our analysis of what constitutes ‘consent,’ self-define what it means to us, develop skills to recognize non-consent in ourselves and others, and brainstorm creative, comfortable, and sexy ways of giving and obtaining clear consent!

Through group brainstorms, role plays and small group discussions, we will explore this complex topic using our collective experience as a resource and tool for discovery.

What: PWCL interactive workshop on consent and healthy boundaries in intimate relationships
When: Thursday, April 16th. Vegan potluck at 5:30, workshop at 7:00—we will start on time!
Where: The Greenhouse Collective, 4407 SE Tibbetts St. 97206—between Division and Powell, off Clinton bikeway, and buses: 4, 14, 9.

See you there!


Demo Veggie/Biofuel Engine Conversions!

[10] Informational Presentation and Demo of veggie/biofuel conversions and engines []

This Saturday, April 16th, Blue Sky Wellness Studio invites you to participate in a lecture and demonstration concerning Biofuel engine conversions.

As part of the Historic Mississippi Avenue's "Spring Greening" event, we will host a lecture and demonstration by a bio-fuel technician from Enviofuel
( that is FREE to the public! Please bring your friends, family, and all interested parties as we explore the possibilities of alternative fuel!

For more info please visit our website at, or call us at (503) 517-8222.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Send quick email to Obama to tell him to END NAFTA!

We know from our experience in Colombia that military solutions to drug-related violence do not work, yet the U.S. government recently doubled funding for the Mexican military's war on drugs. (Click here for a recent article about the Merida Initiative for background).

This Thursday President Obama will make his first state visit to Mexico. The escalating violence in Mexico is being used as an excuse for further U.S. military aid, and our partners in Mexico are worried about the increasing human rights violations committed by Mexican military and special police forces in the name of the war on drugs.

The media coverage of his Mexico visit provides us with an important opportunity to set the record straight on what Mexico really needs to reduce drug-related violence.

Please send a letter to the editor to your local paper this week. Just click the title of this posting!!!!

Letters to the Editor are the most-read part of any newspaper (especially by policymakers). That' s why we want to flood newspapers around the country with letters this week - this is an important way to push for a sane approach to U.S.-Mexico relations instead of more military violence.

This week is a critical time to take action, as President Obama will be in Mexico on April 16 and 17, just prior to the Summit of the Americas.

Please take just a couple minutes to send a letter to the editor to your local newspaper. We have a new tool that makes it easy to personalize a letter to the editor and will automatically send your letter to your local paper of choice. Try it out - it's quick and easy.

Thank you for taking action at this critical time for U.S.-Mexico relations!

In solidarity

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Queer Awareness Week!

Queer Awareness Week 2009
Join the QRC for a week’s worth of activities April 13-17

Sex Toys 101
4/13/09 from 12-1:30pm in SMSU 236

I'm Gonna Pop! Renegotiating Self-Inflicted Substance Abuse (performance)
4/13/09 from 3-3:30pm in Parkway North (Smith Cafeteria)

Trans Basics: The 411 on the Gender Revolution
4/14/09 from 12-1pm in SMSU 333

Interpersonal Violence in the Queer Community
4/14/09 from 2-3:30pm in SMSU 333

You Want Put That Where? Consent and Boundaries
4/15/09 from 2-3pm in SMSU 236

Queer People of Color Movie Showing
4/15/09 from 12-1:30pm in the QRC

Exploring History: Sexism and Homosexuality
4/16/09 from 12-1pm in SMSU 333

The Importance of Only Spaces in the Queer Community
4/16/09 from 2:30-3:30pm in SMSU 333

QProm 2009 - Night of Noise (a benefit for SMYRC)
4/17/09 from 9pm-1am at the Jupiter Hotel $8 Students

QProm 2009 - Night of Noise (a benefit for SMYRC)

“Night of Noise”, an all ages GLBTQ community fundraiser to benefit
the Sexual Minority Youth Resource Center, will take place Friday,
April 17 from 9pm-1am at The Jupiter Hotel on 800 E Burnside St. The
event is organized by the Portland State University Queer Resource
Center, SinnSavvy Productions, and local promoter Kaki Marshall.

Night of Noise will celebrate self expression and the strengths of the
GLBTQ community, with entertainment from SinnSavvy Productions artists
the Rose City Sirens, the River City Riders, the B.B. Dolls,
Burlesquire, and Angelique DeVil, followed by the sounds of the
fabulous DJ Automaton and DJ Linoleum. The dreamBOX at the Jupiter
Hotel will house a cash bar separate from the dance floor, to provide
an all ages celebration. Tickets are $8 for students and $10 general
admission, and will be available at the door & through Ticketmaster.
All ticket sales will benefit SMYRC, to support their relocating from
their current home on Belmont which suffered severe damage during the
winter snow storms.

"Night of Noise" is a follow-up to National Day of Silence, where
students & their supporters are silent during day to raise awareness
around and express solidarity with GLBTQ folks who are silenced daily
through harassment, bias, and violence. Visit for more information on events taking
place nationwide.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"What is Rape Culture" This Thursday at the GHC

This Thursday, April 9th: Allies Against Rape Culture (AARC) will be presenting an interactive workshop on Rape Culture.

The term “Rape Culture” is used to describe a culture in which rape and other sexual violence (usually against women) are common and in which prevalent attitudes, norms, practices, and media condone, normalize, excuse, or encourage sexualized violence. Learn more about what creates rape culture, and what we can do to dismantle it!

Whether this is a completely familiar or absolutely new concept for you, please come to this engaging and fun workshop to gather new tools and knowledge so that we can work together toward ending rape culture.

What: AARC interactive workshop on rape culture
When: Thursday, April 9th. Vegan potluck at 5:30, workshop at 7:00—we will start on time!
Where: The Greenhouse Collective, 4407 SE Tibbetts St. 97206—between Division and Powell, off Clinton bikeway, and buses: 4, 14, 9.

See you in a few days!


The Green House Collective

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Just say NO to the "Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009"

US House and Senate are about (in a week and a half) to vote on bill that will OUTLAW ORGANIC FARMING (bill HR 875). There is an enormous rush to get this into law within the next 2 weeks before people realize what is happening.

Main backer and lobbyist is (guess who) Monsanto – chemical and genetic engineering giant corporation. This bill will require organic farms to use specific fertilizers and poisonous insect sprays dictated by the newly formed agency to "make sure there is no danger to the public food supply". This will include backyard gardens that grow food only for a family and not for sales. If this passes then NO more heirloom clean seeds but only Monsanto genetically altered seeds that are now showing up with unexpected diseases in humans.

The name on this outrageous food plan is Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 (bill HR 875).

THIS IS REAL, FOLKS! PASS THIS ALONG TO ALL CONCERNED ON YOUR MAILING LISTS & CALL YOUR SENATE REPRESENTETIVES TODAY! Not only does this bill stop organic farming and kills the small farmer, it will also be very detrimental to countries like Mexico who import so much of our food during the winter months. They will be forced, like many of us, to stop organic farming, eradicate all heirloom plants, and convert immediately to Genetically Modified crops. PLEASE Get on that phone and burn up the wires. Get anyone else you can to do the same thing. The House and Senate WILL pass this if they are not massively threatened with loss of their position.... They only fear your voice and your vote.

The best thing to do is go to all you have to do is put in your zip and it will give you your congressperson and how to get in touch with them. When you call their office someone will
answer the phone, just tell them (politely) that you are calling to express your views on HR 875. Tell them your views, they'll take your name and address and pass your comments along to the congressperson. The following link is
a list of the U.S. senators and their contact info.