Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Safer Space Policy

The Green House is a nonviolent community committed to raising awareness about social issues, deconstructing oppression, and inciting action while building a diverse and collaborative community. In the effort to create a safe, constructive, and collaborative community any behavior that demeans, marginalizes, or threatens people will not be tolerated. Examples of this are offensive remarks related to a person’s gender, age, sexual orientation, race, culture, physical ability, mental health, general appearance, political association, income status, health, etc. The Green House is a safe space where people of all ages, shapes, sizes, colors, genders, and identifications can come together to engage in an empowering community environment that recognizes our differences as well as our shared experiences as historically disenfranchised communities. We continuously work to be welcoming, engaging, and supportive, and in doing so work to create a space where people can be support for each other while being themselves. As a safe space, there is no tolerance for violence, sexual, physical, and/or mental abuse, domination, coercion, discrimination, or oppressive language and/or behavior. The Green House is a Hate Free Zone! Those unable to maintain respect for diversity and who engage in oppressive behavior will be asked to leave in order to ensure the safety of everyone in the space. In the event that you feel unsafe, please talk to one of the Green House core members, Jake, Ryan, Rhea, Jon, or Leah, in whatever way you feel comfortable...we want to ensure the green house is a safe space...no questions asked.


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