Friday, August 22, 2008

Action Alert: Your help is needed

Hi lovelys,

There is an extremely important piece of legislation being circulated and we need your help to make this a reality. Please read below and follow links for further information.

In Peace and solidarity,

The Green House Collective

Contact Your Senator About the Jubilee Act Today!

August 11, 2008 | Thanks to your hard work, your meetings, phone calls and emails, on June 24, 2008 the Jubilee Act for Responsible Lending and Expanded Debt Cancellation (HR 2634/ S 2166) passed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee! It must now be considered and passed by the full Senate before it can go to the President and be signed into law. Time is running short as Congress may adjourn for the year as early as September 26th.

This legislation would expand debt cancellation to impoverished countries that need it to fight poverty, promote responsible lending and require an audit of odious, illegal and onerous loans. The bill passed the House of Representatives by a 285-132 vote on April 16. TAKE ACTION! Contact your Senators and urge them to co-sponsor the Jubilee Act.

* PRESS RELEASE Jubilee Act Passes Senate Committee; House Committee Reauthorizes World Bank Funding, Calls for Reform
* Resources & Background Materials on the Jubilee Act
* Take Action on the Jubilee Act!
* Op-ED, "Debt is Modern-Day Apartheid" by Desmond Tutu (appeared in The Baltimore Sun, May 7, 2008)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please contact your senators and feel free to use this letter that I wrote. Tell them that you are a constituent and that it matters to you how they represent you in the US Senate!

Senator _________,
I urge you and your colleagues to please support the Jubilee Act and pass it through the senate with a majority which can not be vetoed. It is very important that we encourage healthy growth of economies in nations less fortunate than our own. By canceling debt for poor nations and establishing regulations for oversight in international lending this act is a good step in the right direction for our nation and those with whom we co-exist. As your constituent I encourage you to pass the Jubilee Act before the senate recess. Thank you for representing me and for all that you do in the US Senate.

your name here.

to find the contact info for your senators go to: