Monday, October 20, 2008

Movie night at the Green House Collective

Hi lovelys,

Thanks to all who came to share in our vision last week. We wanted to let you in the past we had not been meeting on the last Thursday of each month, but beginning next week this is not the case. Next Thursday begins our first Open Mic Night at the GHC. Like all events this is substance free as well.

This week at the GHC we will be showing "A Force More Powerful." Here is what the website has to say about the film:

A Force More Powerful explores how popular movements battled entrenched regimes and military forces with weapons very different from guns and bullets. Strikes, boycotts, and other actions were used as aggressive measures to battle opponents and win concessions. Petitions, parades, walkouts and demonstrations roused public support for the resisters. Forms of non-cooperation including civil disobedience helped subvert the operations of government, and direct intervention in the form of sit-ins, nonviolent sabotage, and blockades have frustrated many rulers' efforts to suppress people.

The historical results were massive: tyrants toppled, governments overthrown, occupying armies impeded, and political systems that withheld human rights shattered. Entire societies were transformed, suddenly or gradually, by nonviolent resistance that destroyed opponents' ability to control events. These events and the ideas underlying nonviolent action are the focus of this three-hour documentary production.

The series begins in 1907 with a young Mohandas Gandhi, the most influential leader in the history of nonviolent resistance, as he rouses his fellow Indians living in South Africa to a nonviolent struggle against racial oppression. The series recounts Gandhi's civil disobedience campaign against the British in India; the sit-ins and boycotts that desegregated downtown Nashville, Tennessee; the nonviolent campaign against apartheid in South Africa; Danish resistance to the Nazis in World War II; the rise of Solidarity in Poland; and the momentous victory for democracy in Chile. A Force More Powerful also introduces several extraordinary, but largely unknown individuals who drove these great events forward.


What: Vegan Potluck at 5:30, film begins at 7pm
Where: THE GHC 4407 SE Tibbetts St, conveniently located of Clinton St Bike superhighway, bus lines 4, 9, 75, and 14 (please go by pedal power or public transportation or commute with other Green House folks)
When: Thursday Oct 23rd

In Peace and solidarity,


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